We pack with the environment!

We will take care of the environment in as many ways as possible. When we pack your shoes and send them to you, we therefore also do it with the environment in mind.
We use as little packaging as possible, it is reusable, as small as possible, and we use as little filling in the packing boxes as we can. For example, we also do not print a return form and send it in the box in order to use as little paper as possible.
According to miljoevlingi-pakking.dk , approx. 79 million packages per year. A great deal of packaging and resources are used for this. As an example, this corresponds to 477 full garbage trucks, 100 million liters of water (which is what 2,602 Danes use on average per year) or 38 football pitches full of trees.
We therefore collaborate with Miljøvenlig Pakning to make a difference and save the earth's resources.
Now you will find the badge from Eco-Friendly Pakning at the bottom of all pages, which we proudly display.
We hope you will support the sustainable vision with us.